Support team on phone and laptop

Events and Resources

Following the RESET process, the newly formed Centre for Academic and Digital Innovation (CADI) has been working to ensure that the smooth transition to a centralised team. Part of the role of the “digital side” of CADI (please view CADI team structure) is to preserve the integrity, stability, security and functionality of Moodle and integrated systems, but also to enhance support, innovation and collaboration with teaching staff and offer a high-quality learning experience for our students.

Our focus within CADI is to ensure we provide support and work with our academics so that they are able to deliver excellence in their teaching. We have provided some useful quick links below to aid you in your roles. We hope to develop these areas more within the coming months.

CADI's Frequently Asked Questions

Here's are some quick links to current questions ...

Following on from the RESET, the former Learning Technologists and Online Course Developers that were once based in faculties have now moved into a new centralised team; Centre for Academic and Digital Innovations (CADI). 

You can contact them at

DLDs are timetabled across the week to work in Mercantile, the ULC, in faculty and from home so there is a balance of support and visibility.

You can pop into a CADI clinic for a 1-2-1 chat with a DLD or LD every Wednesday from now until 11th December 2024. They will be at Eldon Building Foyer and Coffee Shop and Dennis Sciama Lobby from 1pm to 3pm.

You can find out all the latest information about WISEflow on the WISEflow website.

Within the site there is a page dedicated to Frequently Asked Questions which aims to answer all common questions posed by academics and professional services staff in relation to the University of Portsmouth WISEflow project.

You can book on WISEflow sessions via the Event Hub. The site also features the latest recorded sessions so that staff are able to catch up with any sessions that they were unable to attend.


The Master Module Spreadsheet provides Academic Services and CADI (Centre for Academic and Digital Innovation) with the necessary details of expected assessments for the academic year.

Each department has a tab within the faculty spreadsheet containing module assessment information downloaded from SITS (Module Details & Assessments Details from SITS columns).

The Master Module Spreadsheet is essential to allow CADI staff to efficiently create summative assessments to best support faculty academic staff.

You can read further guidance here about the Master Module Spreadsheet.

For support with the Master Module Spreadsheet please contact



APEX is the Academic Professional Excellence Framework and is one of the routes to attaining HEA Fellowship at the University of Portsmouth.

The central aim of the APEX Framework is to ensure that staff have the opportunity to work towards or attain the relevant Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) on the basis of their teaching and learning support activities by demonstrating alignment to the UKPSF. This is operationalised through the APEX Programme providing various pathways to recognition.

You can find out more about APEX and the various pathways on the APEX website.

You can book on an APEX session via the APEX website.


Most tools can support activities within any learning type. What determines the choice of tool is pedagogic purpose in each context. Explore is a framework to guide decision making.

Explore - a framework for decision making
Visit Explore

Events and Workshops

Check out the latest events, CPD sessions and clinics hosted by the team on the CADI Events Hub. Catch up with previous events, watch session recordings and access useful resources to aid you in your teaching.

Academic participating in a workshop
View forthcoming events

Learning and Teaching at UoP

The Learning and Teaching Gateway site showcases the collaborative work of the CADI team. Including information on TESTA, APEX, Teach Well and enABLe.

Academic in a library
Visit the Learning & Teaching Gateway

Help with Moodle

The Digital Skills Team (Information Services) offer an array of basic Moodle training on topics such as; creating quizzes, using H5P in Moodle and creating Padlet boards.

Academic on her laptop having a video call with her thumbs up
Book on a Moodle Basics workshop