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Operational Plan

CADI's Strategic Aims

  • Teach well, consistently well, every session, every time, for every student.
    We will support and encourage academic colleagues and the wider university community to teach consistently well, in any mode of study, through innovative and authentic learning design, teaching and assessment practices.
  • Become a national and international reference point in advancing innovation and effectiveness in teaching, learning and assessment.
    We will foster a forward-thinking, needs-driven approach to professional development and maximising the impact of digital technologies in higher education.

CADI's Priorities and Future Projects

Timeline and dates for projects that the CADI team are working on and will be working on over the next 12 - 24 months.

1. Authentic assessment, assessment choice and embracing AI in assessment design.

2. Awarding gaps.

3. Innovative, collaborative, cost-effective and scalable learning design at module and course levels. 4. A future-focused digital learning agenda, in line with the Digital Success Plan for L&T and Education Strategy (figure 2), to support staff and students in maximising digital technologies for learning, teaching and assessment.

5. Moodle integrity, sustainability, security and functionality.

6. Needs-driven, forward-looking and highly innovative CPD for academic staff – both generic and bespoke in nature, including those new to teaching in HE.

7. Professional recognition for colleagues through creative, practitioner-centred routes (APEX) leading to qualifications (e.g. PGCert) and Advance HE Fellowships, including Descriptors 1 to 4 (in line with PSF 2023), NTF and CATE awards.

8. New revenue streams, including consultancy and grant capture.

9. Sector credibility and visibility through research outputs and other significant scholarly activity.

10. Principles of a “UoP pedagogy”: be there, gather evidence, show impact.