Summary: what you need to know 

The Learning Design (LD) team is based in the Centre for Academic and Digital Innovation (CADI) and can be contacted at

The LD team operates under Maria Hutchinson, in the role of Senior Lecturer in Learning Design, who will manage the team and communicate with Associate Heads and Associate Deans. Maria, who reports to the Head of Academic Innovation, Andy Clegg, will liaise with other teams in CADI, including the Digital Team and the Digital Project Specialists (see LD team within CADI Team Structure)

The Learning Designers can assist you with all aspects of learning, teaching and assessment including (but not limited to): 

  • enABLe team-based curriculum design workshops 
  • Learning design and pedagogic guidance on best practice 
  • Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment (TESTA)
  • Artificial Intelligence in learning, teaching and assessment 
  • Categorical marking 
  • Assessment design in WISEflow 
  • Alternative assessments and innovation in assessments 
  • CADI clinics across campus, an ongoing opportunity to drop in and speak to a Learning Designer 
  • Mini-fests 
  • CPD opportunities for academic staff 
Image of academics collaborating around a whiteboard

We are here to assist, so do please get in touch at or visit our Events Hub for upcoming events. 

The Learning Design team is based on the third floor of Mercantile House, however, you also will find the Learning Designers out and about in faculties supporting academics and in our new enABLe Design Studio, located in ULC 5.09.