Assessment Information Resource (AIR) launching Wednesday 25th September

What is the Assessment Information Resource (AIR)?

A simple, structured resource at the top of Moodle modules containing essential information to help students complete their assessments.

It includes pre-filled details about support services and resources that are accessible to students.

The Assessment Information Resource expands on the assessment tab that is already located at the top of all Moodle modules.

When will this resource be launched?

On Wednesday 25th September on all Moodle modules.

This resource represents phase one of our new Learner Journey Template, to be followed by a Moodle Design Tool later in the academic year.

Image of student on her laptop

What do academics need to do?

Please ensure that for each summative assessment on Moodle, you complete the following fields within the AIR.

Essential assessment information for students

  • Write a short introduction paragraph summarising what the assessment is about (Assessment introduction).
  • Upload an assessment brief document (Assessment brief document).
  • Tick the learning outcomes this assessment aligns with (Learning outcomes achieved).
  • Select the Assessment and Support materials topic for your module (Assessment section link).

Additional fields that will help students

  • Provide a short description of the employability or graduate skills the assessment supports (Employability/graduate skills demonstrated).
  • Include useful information about the future referral/deferral assessment (Refer/defer information).
  • Complete the Module Assessment Overview, providing context or a friendly overview to the assessment approach for the module (Module Assessment Overview)

What does the Assessment Information Resource look like?

Screen Grab of Assessment Information Response

What else do I need to know?

The Digital Learning Developers (DLDs) in the newly formed Centre for Academic & Digital Innovation team will be responsible for creating all summative assessments for academics starting from September 2024. DLDs will connect assessments to AIR assessment descriptions to make it easier for students to locate their summative assessments.

We strongly encourage all academics to organise assessments into an individual topic space within Moodle modules titled "Assessments and Support Materials" rather than spreading assessment links throughout the Moodle module. This recommendation is based on strong feedback from students who have requested a centralised location for assessments on modules to make these easier to find.

Who can I contact for support?

If you need help or advice about completing the Assessment Information Resource please contact

If colleagues need support with assessment design the Academic Innovation team will be happy to help.