General Guidance/Training videos
An introduction to Wiseflow (Academic and Professional Services Staff) (Panopto video - 40 mins)
Marking, feedback and grade release in WISEflow (for academic staff) (Panopto video - 75 mins)
Student Guides (Participants)
Student User Submission Guide (Google doc)
Student Reflective Portfolio Guide (Google doc)
Student Appendix Manager Guide (Google doc)
Forming your own groups in WISEflow - Student guide (Google doc)
Guides for Module Coordinators (Managers)
Marker allocation - Manager Guide (Google doc)
Marker allocation - Video tutorial (Coming soon)
Setting up group Submissions (Google Doc)
Releasing Marks Early (Google Doc)
Reviewer approval for Final Grade Setting (Google Doc)
Creating Moodle Assignments (with automatic extensions) (Google doc)
Creating Turnitin assignments (with automatic extensions) (Google doc)
Guides for Markers (Assessors)
Marking in WISEflow - Assessor Guide (including double marking) (Google doc)
Marking in WISEflow - Video tutorial (Panopto video- 3 mins)
Marking in WISEflow (single assessor) - Assessor Guide (Google doc)
Double Blind Marking - Assessor Guide (Google doc)
Reflective Portfolios (Google doc)
Providing formative feedback via milestone with Reflective Portfolios in WISEFlow (Panopto video - 13 mins)
Guides for Verification, Sampling and External Examiners (Reviewers)
Internal Verification in Wiseflow (Reviewer tab) (Google doc)
Reviewing in WISEflow - Video Tutorial (Panopto video- 2 mins)
External examiner Wiseflow user guide (Google doc)
Guides for Digital Learning Developers (Managers)
Creating Wiseflow assessments from Moodle (assessment templates) (Panopto video- 35 mins)
Setting up an Essay (Turnitin) Submission (Google doc)
Setting up Large File Submissions (FLOWhandin) (Google doc)
Setting up group Submissions (Google doc)
Setting up a Reflective Portfolio (FLOWmulti) (Google doc)
Guides for Admin Teams (Managers)
DAS Wiseflow user guide (Google doc)