Delivering an integrated end-to-end assessment platform to support assessment design at the University of Portsmouth.

Sponsored by Prof. Ale Armellini's Digital Success Plan for Learning and Teaching in June 2021, the University of Portsmouth launched it's WISEflow project with the help of a focus group consisting of staff from academic departments, Academic Development, Technology Enhanced Learning, and IS. 

After a thorough research phase, the group selected WISEflow as our end-to-end assessment platform. This platform will aid us in achieving our goal of designing effective online assessments by providing improved user experience and innovative assessment tools with tight integration with our University systems.

Student sat at desk, highlighting notes with an open laptop

Project Roadmap (2022-2026)


Current Phase (2023/24): 

Phased WISEflow Platform Rollout (2023-2026)

From 2023 to 2026, we're introducing WISEflow gradually, serving more students each year:

  • 2023/24: Starting with 3,000 students.

  • 2024/25: Expanding to 14,000 students.

  • 2025/26: Further scaling to reach 24,000 students.

This careful approach ensures a smooth transition. Before the full-scale launch, we'll continue to run smaller pilot assessments to prepare for the following year.

The assessment artefacts due to be rolled out during the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years are subject to guidance from the assessment review happening across the University in 2023/24.

Assessment Artefacts being rolled out at scale during the 2023/24 academic year 

Large File Submission Assessments (Individual & Group) - CCi

During the 2023/24 academic year, we're rolling out large file submission assessments for both individuals and groups in CCi. These will replace the older Google assignment system. Academics in CCi have already found WISEflow to be a better solution in terms of user experience, file handling, advanced grading, and giving access to external examiners.

Reflective ePortfolios - SAH

For students, WISEflow's reflective portfolios are a versatile way to showcase their learning journey, including both successes and lessons from challenges. These portfolios draw from different sources, making them flexible and easy to use. The feedback from both academics and students during the initial pilot phase has been great, praising the simplicity and usability compared to the older Mahara ePortfolio. We're taking the next step by expanding reflective ePortfolios across the Science and Health faculty in 2023/24.

WISEflow Assessment Artefacts (2023/24)

You'll find a plan: WISEflow Assessment Artefacts (2023/24), for which full-routs and smaller explorative pilots will be happening this academic year.


WISEflow Pilot (2022/23)

Between August 2023 and August 2024, the project team conducted an extensive evaluation of WISEflow. The objective was to establish its capability to meet both our current and future assessment requirements. 

The pilot project yielded positive results, meeting its success criteria and gaining roundly positive feedback from participating staff and students for most of the use cases explored. This success prompted the University's executive board to grant approval and funding in July 2023, paving the way for the adoption of WISEflow as our primary assessment platform for the upcoming three academic years, spanning from September 2023 to August 2026.

Throughout the pilot year, a pivotal development was completed in the form of an integration between Moodle and WISEflow. Set to launch in September 2023, this integration stands to enhance assessment design efficiency. By enabling staff to select assessment templates within Moodle, the complexity of mastering intricate assessment settings is eliminated. Consequently, educators are empowered to explore novel assessment approaches, fostering an environment conducive to collaborative assessment creation. Furthermore, this integration seamlessly synchronises users in various roles between Moodle and WISEflow, thereby minimising the necessity for manual interventions.

WISEflow Pilot Assessment Artefacts

An overview of the assessment use cases explored during this pilot is provided can be found via the WISEflow Pilot Modules (2022/23) spreadsheet.