Yes - the new central email address for moodle and online assessment support is

WISEflow logins are managed by the University’s Single Sign On (SSO) process, so just enter your UoP credentials when prompted.
Note: If you cannot access WISEflow do not be alarmed - accounts are auto-created as and when Flows are set up on moodle modules. So if you’ve not yet had a WISEflow assessment on your module, you will not yet have an account.

Gaining access to WISEflow (See page 1)

Yes - WISEflow has a fully functioning set of demo flows that can be accessed from your WISEflow account. See attached support site.
Note: The demo flows use WISEflow’s legacy marking tool, whereas we use the New Marker Tool, so the marking process on the demo flows will differ.

WISEflow support site

Yes - WISEflow has a fully functional group set up. You can have groups where all participants are required to submit, groups where only one member submits, manually selected groups, randomly selected groups, self-selecting groups, and more.

Group Submission Guide

Yes - If a Flow is set to be a group submission, but students are not manually allocated to groups the submission page offers the opportunity to invite other participants into their group. If the invitee accepts then the group is formed.

Group Submission Guide

Yes - Rubric authoring in WISEflow is very advanced and allow for significant customisation to suit almost all assessment scenarios. This can be accessed from the “Authoring” by clicking “Go to rubrics”. Please see attached guidance for more information.

Rubric Guide coming soon

Yes - the FLOWhandin allows for any file type to be submitted. The file size limit is 10GB. Please note that this FLOWtype does not support Turnitin originality reports.

Large file submission Guidance

The Turnitin Similarity score and report are only available with FLOWassign, which only accepts PDF submissions. You will need to instruct your students to save their Word files as a PDF prior to uploading. If you prefer a different file type when marking, files can be easily converted after download.

Marker Guidance

The FLOWtype that supports Turnitin reports only accepts PDF submissions. If you need to view the student file in MS Word, simply download the PDF file, right click it and select “open with > Word”, or open it from within the Word applications “Open” menu

Opening PDFs in Word (

When marking student submissions in WISEflow, there are many ways to access the Turnitin similarity report. This can be accessed by clicking the similarity percentage score in either the participant list on the marking overview, the participant list in the marking tool, or the submission overview in the marking tool.

Marker Guidance

Yes - all submissions with Turnitin enabled will include a link to the Turnitin Draft Coach student guidance in the submission description. The guidance can be found here:

Turnitin Draft Coach student guide

Students will only appear on your marking page if they have been allocated to you by a Module Coordinator or Digital Learning Designer. Contact you MC or the DLD team with details of which assessor is marking which student. If you are an MC, please use the linked guidance documentation.

Marker Allocation Guidance

Yes - WISEflow has a fully functional offline marking tool that allows you to build an offline marking package, wrapped up in a zip file. You can add grades and overall feedback comments to an excel file and upload it to the flow to attach to students' submissions.

Marker Guidance (see step 17)

Yes - assessors have the option to either type the overall feedback comment directly into the marking tool, or they can attach feedback files via a simple upload process within the marking tool.

Marker Guidance (see step 27)

Yes - audio feedback can be enabled within WISEflows rubrics and recorded in the platform, or audio feedback can be recorded outside of the platform, then uploaded as a feedback file.

WISEflow support site (See section "Example")

Yes - When you submit your grades they will be “locked” and and classed as “finalised”. At this stage, as long as the marking deadline has not passed, 2nd markers and reviewers can continue submitting marks. If, however, you wish to edit your submitted grades, the Module Coordinator can unlock the grades, or you can contact the DLD team ( and request that they are unlocked.

Marker Guidance (see step 30)

Yes - For group submissions, students can be given individual grades, but cannot be given individual feedback. After entering grades for each group, assessors can visit the marking overview, and click each student's grade to make individual adjustments. When all grades are correct, ensure the Submit all button is clicked to finalise all grades.

Marker Guidance (see steps 32 onwards)

Yes - while using the marking tool grades have various possible states. If you type a grade into a rubric or grade input box and hit enter, the grade will be saved in the platform, but not submitted. These grades will be Entered but not Final.

Marker Guidance (see steps 22-23 & 29-30)

No - This has been requested from WISEflow from a number of its customers and has been added to their development plan. We will notify staff when this has been implemented. In the meantime, you can create and save custom “stamps” in the annotation section of the marking tool that can be used in a similar way to Quickmarks.

Marker Guidance (see step 16)

Yes - WISEflow has very user friendly access options for External Examiners. They will be given access to the assessment platform and full guidance on how to access the required samples.

External Examiner Guidance

This will depend on the type of marking and reviewing that has been set up on the Flow. Generally if the Marker can see green grades in the final column of the marking overview, then the grades will be automatically released to students when the marking deadline passes. Please see the attached guidance for more information about different marking scenarios.

Marker Guidance

No. By default, the only message students receive is a reminder 24 hours prior to the submission deadline. The messages associated with a flow are completely customisable so we can create notifications for almost any scenario. Contact the DLD team ( to assist with this.

WISEflow support site

Students will only see their grades if the status of their grade is Final. Assessors can check that a grade is final on the Marking overview page. Final grades are displayed in the right hand column and will appear in green and will be released to the students when the marking deadline passes. If grades are not final, they will need to be submitted by all allocated assessors (Marker agreement), or submitted by the allocated Reviewer (Reviewer approval).

Marker Guidance (see steps 33-36)

Students will see whatever feedback the assessor decides to release to them. Each and every element of feedback in the marking tool has its own share setting that can be changed to suit almost any assessment scenario. Share options are: All, Participants, Co-assessors, Private.

Student submission guide

WISEflow can be accessed directly via, but we recommend staff and students use the helpful buttons in moodle activities for direct access to submission and marking pages

Yes - the WISEflow submission will automatically be set up with the 48 hr auto extension built in.

Yes, students can still use Panopto to record videos for submission. However, there is currently no integration with WISEflow, so users will need to download the Panopto file and upload it to WISEflow

Yes - multiple markers can be allocated to each student and WISEflow’s flexible setup can be used to determine if markers agree or if adjustments are needed

Double Marking Guidance

Yes, if you are a Module Coordinator you have access to the settings and dates and can set the marking deadline to Now. If you need help or want the DLD team to do this for you, please contact

Releasing Marks Early Guidance

Yes - both the submission deadline and the marking deadline can be adjusted if needed. This can be done by either the Module Coordinator or the DLD team (contact

Yes - all assessments in WISEflow allow for the upload of multiple files

Student submission guide

Yes - students can upload multimedia files up to 10 GB. Standard Turnitin PDF submissions are limited to 200 MB

Student submission guide

Yes - after uploading, the students will see a buttons that will allow them to preview or download the submitted file

Student submission guide

No - For now, Academic services can access the Flows and download the grades very easily. In the future, WISEflow will automatically transfer the grades to SITS once the final grades have been approved

Guide for Admin team

Yes - for “on time” submissions, assessments are set up so that students can click the withdraw submission button on the submission page. They can then edit the uploaded file and resubmit. After the deadline students cannot withdraw their submission - this includes the 48-hour extension period

Student submission guide

Yes - Rubrics can be added or edited at any stage, but if marking has begun, there may be some loss of any marking and grading data, so it should be done with care

Yes - WISEflow has 3 anonymity settings: No Anonymisation, Participant index, or PortsmouthID. Participant index is truly anonymous, whereas PortsmouthID will display student numbers so that you can cross-reference if required. The anonymisation method can be changed, turned off, or turned back on at any stage of the assessment process

Marker Guidance

No - WISEflow does not allow students to access the similarity report and score generated by their submission. Students should be directed to Turnitin Draft Coach if they require a similarity score and report (please see attached guidance)

Turnitin Draft Coach Guide

For most assessments, student grades and feedback will be released automatically when the marking deadline passes (22 working days after the submission deadline)

Marker Guidance Section - Marking Phase

Yes - once the rubric has been approved, the final grade can be selected manually from the categorical marking drop down menu

Marker Guidance Section - Rubric Marking

For a FLOWassign (Turnitin PDF) the file size limit is 200MB. For appendix materials on any flow, or for FLOWhandin submissions, the file size limit is 10GB