Victor Wong
Digital Project Specialist (WISEflow)
Victor has recently joined the CADI team as a Digital Project Specialist, who plays a pivotal role in the strategic oversight and execution of digital learning technology projects, with a particular emphasis on Moodle and the end-to-end assessment platform (WISEflow).
With more than ten years of experience in educational technologies and a proven track record of successfully managing and integrating digital learning and assessment systems, Victor's areas of expertise include instructional design, project management, and the seamless implementation of e-learning platforms and e-assessment in higher education, ensuring educators and students effectively leverage digital learning tools.
Working in collaboration with course leaders and colleagues from the Academic Service team for many years has equipped Victor with a comprehensive understanding of the course structures, assessment regulations and needs.
Victor is passionate about utilising technology to create inclusive and engaging educational experiences, and he constantly strives to be one step ahead of best practices and trends in the field.